Woman Shares what she now Looks Like after Giving Up Meth


A young woman has proudly shared images of what she looks like after giving up crystal meth…

The woman’s brother shared the images on his Reddit account to show how she has changed after three months off the killer drug.

Previously, the young woman looked gaunt with dark eyes, but now she is replaced with a fuller and healthier looking figure.


Her brothers account, Wormguy666, posted saying: ‘Inspired by another Redditor, I present to you my sister. 90 days meth-free.’

The woman bravely spoke about her decision to give up the drugs:

I just remember seeing others going about their normal lives wondering if I would ever have the ability to live a serene life clean and free of meth.

Her brother added that they had a family intervention to help his sister get off the drugs. She then went to rehab.

He said:

There’s lots of good places, but they’re expensive. [We] put her in a 30-day program and now she’s living with us while we help her get back on track. In short, rehab, constant NA [Narcotics Anonymous] meetings, and living with loving family that’s helping her stay away from the wrong crowds.

And using her own Reddit account, Stardreamer93, she explained why she had wanted the images posted and assured people the images were not photoshopped:

I wanted to show people the effects of what meth can do to you and hope to inspire some people who are in addiction or in the process of recovery like I am. I’m not proud of the fact I used to do meth. But from the positive comments we’ve seen, it seems like we got the message across. I didn’t even realise how disgusting I looked while I was using until after I got clean.

What do you think of the new look?


  1. Keep up the good work! You never have to use again one day at a time.

    No matter how hopeless our life may seem, how bad we have been, God wants us to come to Him to get and stay clean.

    I’m also is recovery and remember God gives us power for recovery when we confess our powerlessness.

    Happy New Year!

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